Prof. Charles K.D. Adjasi
P.O.Box 71 Wits, 2050
Johannesburg, South Africa
Tel: +277 817 81310
Current Position
  • Senior Principal Consultant - AREFC

Charles Adjasi is a Professor of Development Finance and Economics at the University of Stellenbosch Business (USB) School in Cape Town, South Africa, where he also served as Head of Development Finance Programmes from January 2013-June 2017. He has been a Visiting Scholar at the International Monetary Fund, Washington DC, USA. He also worked at the University of Ghana Legon, from 2001-2011 and served as former Head of the Department of Finance at the University of Ghana Business School.

Charles Adjasi has consulted for various institutions; World Bank, Frederich Stiftung Foundation Ghana, Trades Union Congress of Ghana, Investment Climate Facility for Africa & African Development Bank. He has also served on a panel of experts on Special Commodities Unit of UNCTAD, Geneva, and facilitated for Tariffs, Trade and Regional Integration within the West African Institute of Economic and Financial Management. Charles is a network member of the African Economic Research Consortium (AERC) Nairobi, Kenya, and the Global Trade Analysis Project (GTAP), Purdue University, West Lafayette, IN USA. He is currently a Resource Person on the AERC Collaborative Project on Financial Sector Development and Financial Inclusion in Africa 2017-2019.

His research focus is generally in the area of development finance/economics in Africa, with specific interests in macroeconomic policy and public sector economics, financial markets, foreign direct investment, household welfare, firm behavior and productivity, and international trade & development. He has published widely in journals of international repute as well as contributed to book chapters. He has been a recipient of several research grants; ESRC UK (joint), UNU-WIDER, AERC (joint), GTAP, and DANIDA. Charles holds a Ph.D. from Stellenbosch University, an MPhil in Economics, and a BA (Hons) in Economics and Political Science both from the University of Ghana.

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